Dr. Florian Dallwig

Lawyer and notary
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Dr. Florian Dallwig

Florian Dallwig is a specialist lawyer for insurance law and advises insurance companies and policyholders comprehensively in matters relating to insurance law and represents them in and out of court. His focus is the interfaces with banking law and the liability law for professionals, as well as property insurance law.

He is a member of the editorial board of "recht und schaden" (r+s) magazine and deputy chairman of the executive committee of the German Bar Association's (DAV) insurance law working group, a member of the German Association for Insurance Science (DVfVW), the Association for the Promotion of the Research Centre for Insurance Law at the University of Münster as well as of the Banking Law Association.

He has authored numerous publications in the field of liability and insurance law. He is lecturer at jurGrad Münster and regularly holds lectures on insurance law topics. 

Florian Dallwig was named "TOP Lawyer 2024" in the Wirtschaftswoche ranking in the legal field of "Insurance Law". 

He speaks English and French.

Florian Dallwig - Siegel - Top Anwalt Versicherungsrecht 2024

Florian Dallwig studied law in Münster and obtained his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin on a topic related to liability insurance law. In addition, he worked as a research assistant for the Chair of Civil Law and Insurance Law (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Armbrüster). Following his legal clerkship at the Superior Court with a period abroad in Geneva, he passed his second state law exam. Florian Dallwig was admitted to the bar in 2012. He has been specializing in insurance law since 2017 and has been a notary public in Hamm since 2019.

Heßlerstraße 40
59065 Hamm

Co-author in: Littbarski/Tenschert/Klein (eds.), Betriebs- und Berufshaftpflichtversicherung (Public and professional liability insurance), AVB BHV, C.H. Beck, 2023;

Co-author in: Staudinger/Halm/Wendt (eds.), Nomos Kommentar Versicherungsrecht) Specialist Lawyer's Commentary on Insurance Law) (3rd. edition 2023);

Co-author in: Heckschen/Herrler/Münch, Beck’sches Notarhandbuch (handbook for notaries) (8th ed. 2024), § 35 Notarhaftung (Notarial liability);

Kriegsbedingte Versorgungslücken mit Gas in der Betriebsunterbrechungsversicherung (War-related gas supply gaps and business interruption insurance), r+s 2022, 311-317;

Die Lebensversicherung im Erbfall (Life insurance and inheritance), r+s 2021, 1-11;

Der Anwaltsregress des Rechtsschutzversicherers (Legal expenses insurers' recourse against lawyers), r+s 2020, 181-190;

Versicherungsrechtliche Konsequenzen des Gesetzes zur Einführung einer Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Berufshaftung für die Vermögensschadenhaftpflichtversicherung für Rechtsanwälte (The Law on the introduction of a partnership with limited professional liability for pecuniary damage liability insurance for lawyers and its consequences under insurance law), VersR 2014, 19-27;

Deckungsbegrenzungen in der Pflichtversicherung (Coverage limits in compulsory insurance), doctoral thesis, Karlsruhe/ Berlin 2010, short presentation in VersR 2012, 423;

Die Rechtsfolgen übermäßiger Deckungsbegrenzungen in der Pflichtversicherung (The legal consequences of excessive coverage limits in compulsory insurance), VersR 2009, 150-153 (co-authored with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ch. Armbrüster);

Die Bedeutung des § 114 VVG 2008 für Verträge über Pflichthaftpflichtversicherungen (The importance of § 114 of the 2008 Insurance Agreements Act for contracts for compulsory liability insurance), ZVersWiss 2009, 47-71;

Comment on BGH, judgment of 15.6.2023 – III ZR 44/22 – Keine Umkehr der Beweislast für die haftungsausfüllende Kausalität im Bereich der Notarhaftung (No reversal of the burden of proof for contributory cause in the area of notarial liability), r+s 2023, 773;

Comment on BGH, judgment of 16.2.2023 – III ZR 210/21 – Beweislast für die haftungsausfüllende Kausalität bei notarieller Amtshaftung – Abgrenzung zwischen Nachweis des Ursachenzusammenhangs und beachtlicher Reserveursache (Burden of proof for contributory cause in the area of official notarial liability - distinction between proof of proximate cause and significant default cause), r+s 2023, 413;

jurisPR-VersR 4/2023 note 1, comment on OLG Bamberg, judgment of 16.12.2021 - 1 U 79/20, Zeitpunkt des Eintritts des Versicherungsfalls in der KFZ-Rückrufkostenversicherung (Time of occurrence of the insured event in the motor vehicle recall cost insurance);

jurisPR-VersR 2/2023 note 1, comment on BGH, judgment of 18.01.2023 - IV ZR 465/21, Versicherungsschutz in Betriebsschließungsversicherung für coronabedingte Betriebsschließungen ohne „Katalog“ in AVB (Insurance cover under business closure insurance for Covid-related business closures without a "catalog" in insurance GTC);

jurisPR-VersR 11/2022 note 2, comment on OLG Cologne, judgment of 05.07.2022 - I-9 U 93/21, Reichweite des Risikoausschlusses für ein Handeln im unternehmerischen Bereich in der Vermögensschadenhaftpflichtversicherung (Scope of risk exclusions for entrepreneurial operations under pecuniary damage liability insurance;);

jurisPR-VersR 10/2022 note 1, comment on OLG Cologne, judgment 24.05.2022 - 9 U 173/20, Versicherte Tätigkeiten in der Berufshaftpflichtversicherung für Rechtsanwälte (Activities covered under professional liability insurance for lawyers);

jurisPR-VersR 7/2022 note 1, comment on OLG Nuremberg, order of 11.04.2022 - 5 W 2855/20, Nebenintervention des Versicherers auf Seiten des Prozessgegners seines Versicherungsnehmers (Insurer's third-party intervention on the side of its policyholder's opponent);

jurisPR-VersR 3/2022 note 2, comment on BGH, judgment of 26.01.2022 - IV ZR 144/21, Betriebsschließungsversicherung: Auslegung und Inhaltskontrolle der Versicherungsbedingungen im Hinblick auf Betriebsschließung in der Corona-Pandemie (Business closure insurance: Interpretation and content review of insurance conditions regarding business closures during the Covid pandemic);

jurisPR-VersR 11/2021 note 1, comment on BGH, judgment of 16.09.2021 - IX ZR 165/19, Inanspruchnahme des Rechtsanwalts für pflichtwidrig verursachte Rechtsverfolgungskosten durch den Rechtsschutzversicherer (Legal expenses insurers holding lawyer liable for legal costs caused by breach of duty);

jurisPR-VersR 10/2021 note 2, comment on OLG Nuremberg, order of 09.08.2021 - 8 U 1012/21, Bindungswirkung eines im Haftpflichtverhältnis geschlossenen Vergleichs für das Deckungsverhältnis zwischen Architekten und Berufshaftpflichtversicherer (Binding effect of liability settlements for coverage ratio between architects and professional liability insurers);

Comment on Federal COnstitutional Court (BVerfG) 31.7.2013 – 1 BvR 130/12 – Zur Haftung einer Sparkasse aus Anlageberatung mit dem Erwerb von Lehman-Zertifikaten (Liability of savings bank for investment advice given in connection with the purchase of Lehman certificates), WuB I G1 Anlageberatung 14.13 (co-authored with Prof. Dr. Batereau);